Folate-Dependent Hypermobility: Researchers at Tulane’s EDS Clinic Look Into New Possible Mechanism For Hypermobile EDS
A recent publication by scientists at Tulane University's EDS clinic proposes a possible new mechanism behind hypermobility: folate dependency. The researchers hypothesize that MTHFR mutations may lead or contribute to a form of hypermobile…

PT Elan Schneider on Neuroplasticity and New Approaches to Treat Chronic Pain
Widespread chronic pain is one of the main symptoms for people with any type of Ehlers-Danlos syndrome and can be debilitating. At the same time, many common treatment options, particularly with pain medication, lead to side effects. But what…

EDSed Episode 2: Dr. Lilian Holm on Physical Therapy & EDS
EDSed is our new series of full-length interviews with international EDS experts. These educational interview series with journalistic (news) quality is complementary to our webinar recordings and another free resource we provide for our…

Small Fiber Neuropathy is a Common Feature in Hypermobile EDS, Research Finds
New research by a German group of scientists published in the European Journal of Neurology seeks to understand if there is an underlying common cause among hypermobile EDS (hEDS), small fiber neuropathy (SFN), and postural orthostatic tachycardia…